Before I recognized my irrefutable connection with Spirit, my relationship with my animal companions was always the one I could look to for that steady, consistent, unconditional love we all seek. They were always there for me, no matter what. They helped celebrate my biggest wins and consoled me during my most significant losses. Animals are so much more than pets. They are members of our soul family who agreed to incarnate with us to guide us as lovingly and steadfastly as they can while we experience all of the twists and turns this world has to offer, both learning and growing together. To me, they are our Earth angels because even though they incarnated with us, the purity of their souls remains at the next level. When Spirit asked me to become an animal advocate, to be the voice for those who cannot always be understood by their human counterparts, and to offer services for the animal companions of the world, I felt honored. Our animals do so much for us without demanding much in return. They are selfless and empathic; they take on so much of our pain and heartache without considering how it could impact them. I feel privileged to offer them energy healing services to assist them in living their best lives for as long as possible. If you want to give back to those who have always been there for you and to expand your soul connection with your animal companion, please check out my animal energy healing services below.