Reflective Tool 2 - Tarot

While listening to a podcast, I heard an interview with Janet Boyer about the Naked Tarot. I was intrigued! I had already been debating about purchasing The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook to accompany my animal spirit deck. I loved my animal spirit deck, so I knew that I would love this tarot set by Kim Krans. I was just hesitant to get a tarot deck at all because I didn’t know the first thing about the tarot world. I enjoyed the podcast and came away feeling good about the author, so I decided to purchase both the tarot deck and the book that night. I was like a kid on Christmas morning when these two items were delivered. I have used them every day since that day and don’t have a single regret about the purchases.

I am not a morning person, but adding my card readings to my pre-morning routine has made it much easier to get up in the morning. I’ve set aside a half hour in the morning before anyone else gets up to draw my cards for the day from both of my decks and then finish it off with some mediation. This practice has done wonders for me. It helps put me into a state of self-reflection right away and gives me information to better prepare for my day.