I’ve had a love for reading since I was a little girl. There’s nothing quite like getting lost in a good novel. In the last couple of years, I’ve used that love for reading to expand my knowledge base, explore multiple different perceptions and techniques related to spirituality and energy healing modalities, and redefine my belief system. It’s fascinating to see how our unique perceptions can cause two people that have read the same book to have a completely different takeaway.

People often think that to be happy and find their passion they need a fresh start/new job or new house, etc. However, once the newness wears off, they are going to be right back where they were at before. The passion for things must come from within. It can’t be gained by outside factors.


I found this book fascinating. I’ve been taking a lot of leaps of faith lately, but it’s incredibly nice to know that research and statistics actually support the phenomena that I have come to accept as reality.


I love Brene Brown. I think this should be required reading material for everyone in the corporate world, but anyone can benefit from it.  


I loved this book! I love the idea of using our emotions as a navigational guidance system to determine where we are in alignment with our higher selves. I felt very empowered after reading this book and excited that they offered such a variety of practices to help you get in the right vibration to manifest the life of your dreams.


This book offered unique perspectives on hard to understand every day circumstances. If you are interested in a book with channeled messages from spirit, I would recommend this book. I liked how it challenged my own perspective on these difficult topics.


Have you ever wondered if there is more meaning behind the “coincidences” that happen in your life? Have you ever felt like the timing of hearing something like a passed one’s favorite song comes on a radio shortly after having an emotional conversation about them? If so, you’ll enjoy Laura’s book!


I haven’t actually done any of the practices or yoga poses listed in this book, but I did like the book. I don’t know that I would recommend the audio version of it as it does get annoying to have to listen through each practice when you are not in a position/place to be able to do them.

I loved this book! To be fair, I had already paid for an emotion code practitioner to release my heart wall before I had even purchased the book. However, I still wanted to purchase the book to be able to learn how to release my own trapped emotions as well as my family members. I believe in this energy healing modality so much that I decided to become a practitioner myself.


This book offers an eye-opening insight into how people, males in particular, cope with fitting into the role society has created for them.


If you’re interested in exploring the possibilities of past lives and the various ways in which they can impact your current lives, this is the book for you. I found it very interesting hearing about the different past lives people have had and how having that knowledge helped the people move past certain situations in their current lifetimes.


Have you ever wondered why it seems like you are always struggling to reach your goals? This book has an interesting take on the reason that we struggle so much to accomplish our dreams.