Have you ever met those people that seem to always have a reason that your latest and greatest idea is doomed to fail? Instead of pointing out ways in which it could succeed, they point out every little thing that could go wrong. When you tell them to stop being negative, they respond with the timeless, “I’m not negative, I’m a realist.” That person was me. I am a recovering “realist.” That particular mindset was tough to break. Sometimes, I fall back into it. But those slips are happening less frequently, and with less severity, the further I have gotten into my healing process. There are countless books available to you if you wish to work on developing a more positive mindset for yourself. The two that I had referred to me were “YOU are a BADASS” by Jen Sincero and “Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, and Life’s Hardest Lessons” by JJ Virgin.

They were both excellent books. Jen’s Sincero’s book was about being confident and how being positive attracts positive outcomes with a little bit of sauciness. I connected to JJ Virgin’s book more. That could be because I am a mother myself and can’t imagine the difficult road that she had to travel or how in the world she managed to stay so positive through all that life had thrown at her. Honestly, if you want to read a book about staying positive during extremely challenging times and persevering through it all, I would highly recommend this book. When I finished reading JJ Virgin’s book, I immediately went through it again to write all of the steps to the mindset, so I could practice adapting this mindset myself.