While searching for a healing yoga class on YouTube, I found the one below. If you or someone you know feels like they could benefit from an emotional healing yoga, I’d highly recommend trying this one. I can’t guarantee that you will gain as much from it as I did, it’s all about what you put into it and how much you are wiling to open up and follow the instructor. For me, the emotional healing yoga utilizing the 7 chakras has been amazing. It’s revealed to me so much information about myself. It helped me to connect with myself and fully come to terms with things that I hadn’t even realized about myself. It urged me to pick up writing again. It enabled me to forgive myself for being so hard on myself for all of these years. It enabled me to forgive myself for self-medicating with food because I am so unhappy with the path that I had chosen for myself. I realized that this is the body that my soul is in. There are some things that I can change about it, but there are others that I cannot change. I need to accept both and if I do choose to change anything, I need to do it for me because it makes me feel healthier/happier not for anyone else especially not to please society because that is what they deem beautiful at that given time. I need to trust myself.  Most of all, I need to love myself for who I am.


Yara Rose