When I was a little girl, life seemed so much simpler. If I wanted to color, I’d color. If I wanted to play a game on the game console, I would. If I wanted to play with our toys with my younger sister, I would do that. I loved to use my imagination and craft out these different scenarios that our barbies, dolls, horses, insert whatever toy we were playing with that day would act out. If our parents let us, my sister and I could play out these scenes all day long. I really loved to write as well. When I got a little older, I would draft up short stories for my parents and little sister to read. I used to fantasize about being a successful fiction author that lived in a beach house.  I would envision getting up early and jogging along the ocean every morning and then going back to my home office and writing more of my latest book.

Somewhere, during the growing up period, I buried my love for writing and honestly even the creativity that I loved to utilize in my younger years. High school graduation brought a big question, how are you going to support yourself for the rest of your life? I had no idea. I wasn’t one of those people that said at age 5, “I am going to be a doctor” and held true to that conviction. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew that job security was important to me. After seeing the arthritis and pains that my mom had to deal with after years of working at a physically demanding job, I knew that I did not want to go down that road.

Long story, but I ended up with a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting. I landed my first accounting job a month after graduating from college and have been practicing accounting in one way or another since 2009. I’ve never loved it. It’s a job, one that I do to support myself and my family. I’ve never been excited to go to work, in fact, I’m one of those people that dread Monday mornings with a passion. In 2013, I can recall being at a continuing education accounting seminar where the instructor exclaimed that a previous attendee had compared their job as an accountant to being the poop scoopers for the horses in a parade. The instructor said that if we felt that way about accounting, then we were not in the right career. In my opinion and my experience, I thought he was crazy because that was a perfect description for what being an accountant is. Hmm... maybe that should have been a big hint that I needed to take a career change more seriously years ago. The problem is that today 12/19/2018, I’m still not 100% sure what else I would like to do with my life. I just know that I don’t want to be an accountant much longer. That’s not to say that being an accountant is a bad job, I’ve met many accountants through the years that love their profession.  It’s just not the career that feeds my soul. I want to be passionate about my career. I don’t want to dread Monday mornings anymore. I want to look forward to them because I am helping others to fulfill their dreams as well. I want to be able to work from my own home office. This year has been eye opening for me, I think the answer can be found at the beginning...back to that young little girl that liked to use her imagination and write stories.


Yara Rose