My holistic path started around 6 years ago. I had injured my back the year before I had gotten pregnant with my first child. I struggled with severe back issues throughout the entire pregnancy and the following 7 months post birth before I took an actionable step to repair the damage that I had done to my back. Up until this point in my life, I had just been putting ice/heating pads on it and taking Aleve on the days when the pain was debilitating. Co-workers had talked me into going to the hospital one day to see if I had a herniated disc or something. The doctors took one quick look at me and told me I was fine. I could treat my bad back with pain reliever and they could make a referral to see a physical therapist if I was interested. Disgusted with the outcome of the doctor’s office, I just kept living the same way I had been. However, there came a day when my body just quit working. A day came when I wasn’t able to bend over and pick up my young son anymore. I had to face the reality that I needed to do something. Seeing the chiropractor had been recommended to me by several people throughout this time period. I had never been to one before and I didn’t think that was something that I needed. I had always thought they were for people that had been in accidents, really old people, or people with things like scoliosis. Since I didn’t fall into any of these categories, then clearly, I didn’t need that. After having already tried to get the western’s medicine doctor’s office to treat my back before, I gave in and setup a chiropractic appointment. After getting adjusted a few times, he recommended that I use massage therapy in conjunction with getting the adjustments. The adjustments were needed, but they were not staying because the muscles around the bones were so tight and used to being in a certain spot at this point that they would just pull the bones back out of alignment.  I had always had this life-long issue with allowing people to touch me; it was a weird personal space quirk. However, I knew I had to be able to take care of my son, so despite the irrational fear, I called and set up a massage therapy appointment as well. The damage I had done to my back was extensive and it took a long time, but I am happy to say that I am able to pick up both of my kids easily now to this day. Granted, my going on seven-year-old son is getting to be a bit big for me, it definitely has nothing to do with my back 😊.

I let my stubbornness and ignorance get in the way of getting the healing that I needed for a long time. At the age of 25 it hurt me just to walk, I thought that jogging and running were a thing of my past. I had given up hope that there was anything out there that was going to be able to fix me. I wasn’t raised in a family where we went to get regular adjustments at a chiropractor or deep tissue massages that help release all of the negative everyday toxins that can reside in them. I still get adjustments and massages on a bi-weekly basis. Not to fix the injury that I incurred all of those years ago, but because now I know the value that these services have on my continued health. I can’t imagine going without them.

Seeing the wonderful benefits that holistic techniques had played in improving my life before, opened me up to the possibilities of what other options were out there to help me heal from my burnout. To date, I have done sessions with a healing psychic medium, tarot card readings, yoga, oils, emotion code therapy, biofield energy healing, and neuro-linguistic programming (nlp). I’ve loved all of them and they have all done amazing things to help me on my healing journey. I’ll share a little more about some of these in future blog posts.

I share this story with you so that you know you have options. You don’t have to live in constant pain waiting for the time when you can take your next pain reliever. Please be willing to approach holistic medicine with an open mind. It’s amazing the things that you can heal from when you open up to all of the alternative healing modalities.


Yara Rose