Three Wooden Crosses

God allowed me the privilege of witnessing something beautiful today. I was cooking breakfast when I felt an impulse to glance outside. I noticed how the rising sun was presenting what looked like an image of the cross to me. I immediately went out to take a picture of how this morning's bright light was presenting itself. After standing outside simply enjoying this gift from God, I noticed that the picture was shifting into something even more powerful. The sun dogs appeared, and all put together, it reminded me of the story of Jesus on the cross in the middle with the two criminals at his side rising up. This was a potent and awe-inspiring moment for me. Had the story ended there, I would have felt blessed and honored to bear witness to God's miracles. However, the story does not stop there, for God always has a greater plan. I immediately sent the pictures and my experience to my family members to share the gift with them. After seeing the picture, my sister texted me back saying that the song currently singing on the Eagle Cancer Telethon was Three Wooden Crosses by Randy Travis. The lyrics are too perfect for this to be a coincidence.

🎼There are three wooden crosses on the right side of the highway

Why there's not four of them, Heaven only knows

I guess it's not what you take when you leave this world behind you

It's what you leave behind you when you go🎼

I was honestly stunned when I received this text because she was absolutely correct that the picture and song were so beautifully in sync. And also, because this was the third time Spirit had presented this song to my conscious awareness this week. A few weeks ago, my husband lost a beloved friend and mentor. It was completely unexpected and left the community where this individual served at a complete loss for words. He was deeply loved, respected, appreciated, and known as the "go-to" man for anyone who was struggling and needed advice. One day, as I was thinking about this individual and the community in mourning, Spirit told me to listen to the song Three Wooden Crosses by Randy Travis. As I listened to it, I knew immediately why they wanted me to because it was very fitting for this individual's legacy. It wasn't how he died that mattered, but how he lived. He truly touched and influenced thousands of people that will forever be changed by their encounters with him. I have no doubt those people will continue sharing stories, advice, and life lessons they learned from him with new people they encounter throughout their lives. I feel like this is an opportunity for each of us to reflect on how we want to show up in the world and to be mindful that what may seem minor or insignificant to you at that moment could mean the world to someone else. I feel like this is an opportunity to ask yourself if you were to die tomorrow, would you have regrets for unfulfilled dreams and desires? Often, we keep ourselves from pursuing our dreams because we don't feel ready, adequate, or maybe even that they are realistic. I understand these feelings as I have them quite often myself. However, a message Spirit has been sending me lately is this, even though it may seem impossible, sometimes you just have to take that first step even before you're ready, trust me. I can't help but wonder if this individual had always let their insecurities keep them from showing up in the world, how many of those people would have kept struggling? Would they have reached the same heights they had if they'd never been coached by him? Thankfully, he did show up, leaving behind a great legacy. Now, it's your turn. What are you being called to do that will create a positive impact on the world? How many lives can you change just by showing up in your authentic way while fulfilling your life-long dreams? I honestly believe this message was meant to be shared with everyone to let you know that God is willing and able to help you accomplish the dreams you've been carrying in your heart. God has always been there for me, and I know that if you ask for help, God will be there for you. I believe that we are all here to expand and co-create together, and with each individual showing up in their authenticity, the world will be a better, more vibrant place. In the same way that the message God sent me today was made even more powerful and compelling after hearing my sister's synchronistic experience about hearing the song immediately after seeing the pictures.

Sending Love & Light to you!

Yara Rose