A while back, a thought-provoking icebreaker was brought up at our monthly staff meeting. The question that was asked was, “Not using your occupation, what one word would you use to describe yourself?” Around the room we had mom listed several times, wife, husband, etc. I can’t remember them all, but I do remember that they were mostly life roles that we were listing off. Can you name one word that would encompass this for you and not mention a life role? This icebreaker question which was meant to get the conversation flowing in the room struck me right in the heart. By this point in my life, I had already been feeling a bit lost between all the various roles that I performed throughout the day. To me, this question drove home the fact that I had lost track of who I was. Somewhere along the way of trying to be a good mom, wife, employee, daughter, sister, niece, friend, granddaughter, etc.; I lost who I was. For those of you that cannot relate, congratulations! I’m not being facetious; I feel like that is seriously a huge accomplishment. I am still struggling with finding the perfect balance. Are we supposed to be defined by a life role, an adjective, or a purpose? Since this question and the burnout that I previously mentioned, I have been dedicating time to connect with myself each day. This may seem like a weird statement, but can you honestly tell me that you know exactly who you are today? I believe that we are constantly changing, yet how often do we reflect on who we have become and what we believe in? These are important questions to ask yourself because the answers would direct you to the path you should take to move forward.

In the last 5 years alone, I have completely changed my views on holistic approaches to healing ailments, communication with the spiritual realm, and lastly the absolute need for self-care. Therefore, if I was forced to describe myself in one word to anyone now, it would be that I am ever-changing.