When I was a young teen, I used to stay up late chatting with friends on instant messenger, while everyone else was fast asleep. The computer desk was a straight shot from the kitchen, which always had a light left on at night. I swore up and down that we had ghosts in our house because I would always see shadows moving in the kitchen. No one in the house would believe me or had experienced anything like that, so I told myself I was just imagining things. Years later, members of my family started attending sessions with a psychic medium. Some of them were still very skeptical that she was actually communicating with our deceased loved ones. However, others were convinced that she was because she brought up things about them that they had never communicated to anyone. By this point, I had become very skeptical that ghosts/spirits were real. At the same time, I still had this nagging belief somewhere in the recesses of my mind that maybe it was real. How could she know things that were never shared outside of our family? She wasn’t even from the same state, and she’d never met them before. Somewhere deep down there was this ever-present wondering if maybe I hadn’t been imagining things as a younger child. Maybe this was the validation that I had been looking for during that time. I was always very interested to hear the family’s stories that they would come back with after having a session. I would listen to their full-hour sessions and debate back and forth between the validity of it or not. I’d talk to my husband, a fellow skeptic, about what his beliefs were about ghosts/spirits and the possibility of communicating with them.

 I had a therapy session where we discussed my deep fears of allowing people to get close to me. At the age of eleven, I had lost my grandma on my mom’s side. She was the grandparent that I was closest to and it had been completely unexpected. I explained to him how the pain of losing my grandma hurt so bad that I put up walls to keep myself from having to experience that depth of pain again. After this conversation with my therapist, I contemplated the concept of whether communication with deceased loved ones was really possible. If it was, then the fear of them dying and never being able to talk to them again was invalid. I desperately wanted to find out, but I was hesitant to book my own session. What if she could talk to my deceased grandma and she had embarrassing stuff to say? How mortifying would that be? Wouldn’t it be better to live with the possibility that it’s possible than have the hope dashed by an unrealistic reading? I decided that I wanted to know.

In December of 2017, my sister gifted me my first session with a psychic medium. It was emotional, amazing, and healing. One of my biggest regrets in life to that point was that I had talked to my grandma the day that she had died and I hadn’t taken the time to tell her that I loved her. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders that day when I was able to tell her that I loved her and have her say it back via the medium. I’ve had one session a month with her since that time and I have loved every single one! This particular family medium is also a healer and the advice that she and my deceased grandparents have given me throughout the last year and a half has been life-changing. Believe it or not, my grandma Mary was the one that actually recommended that I read the “Miracle Mindset” by JJ Virgin. She knew that I was struggling with changing my old negative mindset into a positive one. She also was the one that recommended I look into finding an emotional healing yoga to help me with my healing after my burnout. And just in case you all were wondering; they don’t reveal anything too embarrassing 😉, so please don’t let that stop you from reaching out and trying it for yourself.


Yara Rose