I used to be terrified of death/dying. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not jumping through hoops to wait in the death line, but I have begun to shift my perspective on dying. I no longer think that your family that has passed away is unreachable to those family members that are still living. Being raised Catholic, I was fortunate enough to not be told that death was the end of all things. That was never the fear. Instead, if you had lived a good life and followed the rules, you could someday make it to heaven. Heaven was portrayed as a place that basically had everything that your human mind could dream up as amazing. Your soul returned to looking at its peak condition and everyone was joyful, happy, and friendly to each other. Basically, it was a huge never-ending party with lots of peace and joy. The souls in Heaven could look down at us living beings and keep watch over us. As a child though, it always seemed like Heaven was so far away. Way up high into the sky somewhere that living beings could never reach. Therefore, once your family member passed away, it was adios until you joined them in death. 

Now, my feelings regarding where souls go when they leave their physical bodies have changed and will most likely continue to change as I keep learning and exploring this subject further. I no longer feel as though my deceased grandparents are unreachable, stuck up high beyond the clouds watching over us. I feel like they are right here living in some kind of alternate plane of existence beside us. I feel like if you open your mind to the possibilities that exist, you can still communicate with them in a different way. I believe they can hear us whenever we need them to. They can communicate back some sort of message through various means. You just have to pay attention and be open to the messages.

As part of my healing process, I’ve been having monthly sessions with a psychic medium over the last year. That has really opened my eyes to the possibilities that are still there for communication with deceased loved ones. My grandparents have communicated messages to me in several ways throughout the last year. Sometimes, it’s through animals, nature, and little synchronicity occurrences that are too related to be coincidences. Sometimes it’s the flickering lights, knocking noises, footsteps, direct telepathic messages, or even messages through my spirit animal/tarot card readings. Not everyone will believe you that these are ways of them communicating with you, but that’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. My own family has challenged me on some of these occurrences. To which I respond, how do you explain the sounds of footsteps walking across your kitchen floor when everyone that is home is sitting downstairs with you? How do you explain the randomly flickering lights when your electrically trained spouse has tested and re-tested the light fixtures and bulbs and found nothing amiss?  They don’t all fully believe, which is perfectly fine. Some of you reading this may not believe me either, that’s fine as well. My goal is not to convert them or you all to think just like me. I just want to share my perspective with everyone in case anyone else could learn from it or find it comforting and enlightening.


Yara Rose