Since the time that I posted about my holistic journey and my chiropractic experiences, I have been pondering about creating this particular blogpost. You see I had left out the part about how I have had seven different chiropractors adjust me. It took a while to find the one that was the right fit for me. Each one had their own personalities, techniques, business models, and of course the one-time extra fee for a new client. There were so many times I would stay with one longer than I should have strictly because I didn’t want to have to pay the extra fee again to try out another new place to see if it would be the magical one that I could go to get adjusted and feel better about the whole overall experience. For example, one particular doctor did a fine job adjusting my out of place bones; however, when it came to a bedside manner, this one had absolutely none. No offense, but I expect to be treated more like a person than a part on an automobile assembly line that just needs to be tweaked quickly and sent onto the next section. I also had tried another very highly recommended one, who honestly did a great job with the adjustments and was a friendly enough person, but his business practices drove me absolutely crazy. I’m not going to go into the particulars on how all of this shook out because it’s irrelevant. My point is finding the right doctor, therapist, life coach, etc. is crucial to your healing journey. You shouldn’t settle for whomever is most convenient or cheapest, etc. You need to find someone or a business that feels right to you. That is going to be the professional that sets you up to succeed. Does anyone else remember when the NBC show the Biggest Loser had trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels? Do you think your weight loss journey would have been the same under both trainers? Absolutely not.

I remember the first time that I met the chiropractor that was right for me. I had just been about to switch chiropractic businesses yet again when this new chiropractor came on board at the facility. I decided to give him a try before looking elsewhere. He was real and interesting. By real, I mean he talks to his clients like they are actual people and isn’t scared to let them know when he’s having a bad day. If you haven’t figured it out yet from previous blog posts, I personally love authenticity, so I appreciate this very much. He did adjustments in a way that I hadn’t previously experienced. He would muscle test, which is a process of asking your subconscious mind what is out of alignment or what vitamins you may need and then performing the adjustments or giving the vitamin recommendations. I remember coming home and telling my husband that he’d most likely see a taped video of me on America’s Funniest Home videos because I was pretty convinced my doctor was playing an elaborate trick on me for entertainment purposes. I really liked him though, and the adjustments he did were working, so I am still his client today and have slowly opened up to the concept of muscle testing. It’s interesting how life works sometimes, as muscle testing would later come up and play a very big role in my healing journey. But that is a story for another day. Today, I want you to look at the people and businesses around you. Are they filling your cup full or are they draining you? Be willing to kiss a few frogs to surround yourself with a team of professionals that most meet your needs, you deserve it.


Yara Rose