Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut and can’t seem to break free? Oftentimes, you may have a self-limiting belief that is causing you to repeat the same cycles over and over again. I recently broke through a long-standing self-limiting belief and the feeling of accomplishing that is honestly indescribable. No matter what words I come up with, they just don’t feel adequate of a description. I listened to a podcast in the March/April 2019 timeframe that was about the traditional Hawaiian viewpoint of the paranormal. To say it intrigued me seems like a vast understatement; I found it interesting how what we in Western culture view as abnormalities or “paranormal” are considered completely natural, normal phenomena to the Hawaiian culture. The podcast advertised a paranormal convention that would be held the following July. I remember thinking how very cool it would be to be able to attend something like that. I even sent the podcast to my sister and aunt telling them that in the coming years, we should plan a trip together to attend the conference if it’s still going on. My spirits told me that I didn’t need to wait for that random year in the distant future and that I should attend the conference this year. I honestly laughed it off and said that was most definitely not going to happen. They said never to say never and to keep an open mind. Life went on and I rarely thought about the conference, so when my spirits announced on June 13th that it was time to purchase my plane ticket for July 19th – July 21 Hawaii trip, I was beyond confused. I told them that there was no way I was going to be able to go to Hawaii this year and they were crazy for thinking I could throw something like that together at the last minute. They were relentless in their pursuit of getting me to go on this trip. They kept telling me that I was limiting myself by not entertaining the opportunity and that it was the next step in furthering my transformation. You see, for as long as I can remember I had a track record of setting these grandiose ideas of accomplishing X, Y, or Z. However, when it came time to push myself outside of my comfort zone and follow through with actions on the ideas, I wouldn’t do it. I’d always have excuses for why it just didn’t work out, but deep down I just couldn’t push myself to go that far outside of my comfort zone. I am 31 years old and have never traveled by myself. I stayed in a hotel for the first time by myself at the age of 30 and I felt completely lost and alone. I couldn’t imagine going on a solo trip approximately 4,000 miles away. The thought terrified me, but I really did want to go to this convention. I knew that it would be the perfect next step in my spiritual growth and I had always wanted to go to Hawaii. I agonized over this decision for over a month. The desire to go and the excitement that I had about taking this huge step would get pushed back by the absolute terror of being so far away from my family and everything I had ever known. After a lot of deep soul searching and encouragement from my life coach to take this next big step, I finally booked my flight and vacation rental five days before I was to fly out to attend the convention. After everything was settled and arranged the excitement for the upcoming trip and feelings of accomplishment for finally breaking free of that pattern had me in a state of awe. I had a couple of pre-trip jitters, but the overwhelming fear I would have felt in the past was completely gone. By this point in time, I had come to really trust my intuition and knew my spirits would be there for me every step of the way. This trust and self-confidence would only grow exponentially on this Hawaii trip, but that’s a blog for another time. I just wanted to share with you all that it is possible to break through those self-limiting beliefs. I know that it seems impossible especially if they have been a long-standing belief for a long time. Trust me, if you do the internal work and commit to following the process, you too can break through your cycles that are keeping you in the same rut. Think for a moment about how different your life could be.

Yara Rose