The trip was interesting and not at all like I had expected. I had expected to go out on lots of hikes, relax on beaches every day, and check out the tourist places. In reality, I spent most of the time on the non-convention days hanging out on my condo’s balcony which offered an amazing ocean view. I did a lot of internal work; Kundalini Meditation, Nada Yoga, energy clearing, conversations with spirit. I also got a good start on my NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) class. I know that to some people this might seem like a complete waste of a trip to Hawaii, but to me it was PARADISE. As I had said previously, I had never been on a vacation by myself, so the absolute freedom to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted was beyond AMAZING. The energy on the island was spectacular. The people were so friendly. I remember feeling like I was in a wonderful dream, and I just knew that I was going to wake up and find myself back in Minnesota. The convention was good. They had great speakers and I felt like I learned something new from each of them. The biggest takeaways from this trip, though, weren’t from the convention. It was the stronger trust that I established with my own intuition and spirit. It was the fact that even though I was 4,000 miles away from everything I’ve ever known and completely outside my element, I was still me. This is a huge concept that I’ll be unpacking in a separate blog post. It was the rise in self-confidence that occurred when I came to terms with the fact that I really can do anything that I want for myself and don’t need others to accomplish it. It was the fact that I was in my ideal paradise. Anyone that knows me at all, knows that my favorite place in the world is a white sandy beach with beautiful aqua colored water. Beaches have always been my escape from my reality. I love taking long walks on the beach at sunrise and sunset. I love relaxing on the beach all day; listening to the waves crash along the shore, and watching the other people delight in the beauty that nature is bestowing, soaking up the sun’s rays and enjoying the salty air. There I was on relaxing on Waikiki beach which had some of the best beach views that I had ever seen, and I wanted to run back to my condo shortly after getting to the beach on my first day there. Not because I was tired, scared, overwhelmed, or anything was wrong with the beach, but because I was excited to get started learning about NLP. Crazy, right? There I was in pure perfection and I found myself forcing myself to stay there and “enjoy” it. Finally, my grandma asked why I was wasting my time forcing myself to do something that I was clearly not enjoying on my vacation. The question surprised me. I had just gotten to the beach an hour ago, I couldn’t possibly go back to my home base yet, or could I? Then it hit me, this was my vacation and changing my plans for the day because I didn’t feel like doing something wasn’t going to affect anyone else. Complete freedom! As soon as that realization sunk in, I grabbed my gear and started the trek back to the condo. Once back to the condo, I started reflecting on the weird scenario that had just occurred. On every other beach-based vacation that I had ever been on, I was the one that was insisting on getting to the beach early in the day and reluctant to leave. When I started unpacking this scenario, I realized that the difference was truly in what I was doing and where I was at in life. I am passionate about learning as much as possible to build my repertoire, so that I will have the tools and abilities to help as many people as possible. I thoroughly enjoy learning the different healing modalities and practicing them on friends and family. I absolutely love seeing how the different things I’ve done with them has made a positive difference in their lives. The knowledge that I no longer need a beach to escape from my life because I love what I am doing is astonishing. No, I didn’t visit Pearl Harbor, explore Diamond Head, learn surfing or scuba diving, or go on any cruises. Nevertheless, this trip to Hawaii and the lessons that I learned about myself while there are absolutely priceless.

Yara Rose