Why choose me as a spiritual life coach? Well, that first depends on what type of coaching you are looking for. If you’re looking for: a financial guru, nutritional health and fitness expert, or religious coaching, I’m not the coach for you. If you’re looking for the seasoned life coach with years of experience, that’s also not me.

So what do I have to offer? Have you ever worked at a company and had a boss that worked from the ground level positions, right on the front lines, up to the level that they are at now? They have the unique perspective of being able to see both sides of the coin. They are the ones that can stand up in an upper level management meeting and tell the CEO and CFO that the changes they are proposing be made to boost profits aren’t going to work the way they are proposing them and why. With their unique perspective, they will then be able to recommend a strategy that would boost the profit and successfully be able to be carried out by the staff. When the CEO wants to implement a new program that would require a major undertaking to perform on top of the everyday workload, these bosses are the ones that explain how much additional time their staff realistically would need to devote to this project, and that their timeline of 3 months is unreasonable. If the CEO insists on the 3-month timeline, then the staff’s morale will decrease. Some could burn out altogether trying to meet these unrealistic expectations, which would then result in hiring and additional training costs and most likely a delay in meeting the deadline. These supervisors are the ones that have the knowledge and understanding to be able to offer invaluable insights to keep the organization running smoothly. Have you ever worked for the boss that came into the company at the level they are at now and you can tell that they don’t have the slightest clue what you as a member of their staff do on a daily basis? The “yes” people that care more about pleasing upper management by agreeing to implement all their recommended changes to increase profits despite the cost? I’m not saying that every manager that comes into upper management from outside of the organization is completely clueless as to how their staff is run. There are those that can come in bringing extremely useful outside perspectives and take the time to understand how things run before making the changes that are necessary to improve the organization. Those are not the ones that I am comparing though. Currently, as a spiritual life coach, I would compare myself to that boss that worked their way up in the organization. I’m not the CEO with years of experience under my belt. I’m not the PhD certified expert in the field. I am just an ordinary everyday person that has a few certifications under my belt and personal experience going through this amazing transformative process. I was just at that place in life where you operate from a closed off robotic state: getting up every day to force yourself to go work at a job that pays the bills, but leaves you feeling absolutely numb inside, to come home, do the housework and meal prep necessary to keep your household in running order, and then droning out in front of the television watching the mind numbing television shows until it was time to go to bed and repeat the process all over again. When I would start to think that there had to be more in life than repeating this process over and over again for the next day 30-40 years, I’d get depressed and try to distract myself with more television, books, or dreams of winning that multi-million-dollar jackpot. I’m telling you that there is way more to life than repeating this process of mindless living. I firmly believe that we all have at least one if not multiple things that we are passionate about and can earn a living doing. Those things that when we talk about them with others our voices rise from excitement, we can’t seem to stop talking, and our faces eventually get sore from grinning in between places in the conversation. For me, that is helping other people to take their power back; which entails breaking out of their viscous cycles that they have been unhappily living in and embracing their own true self. If you google top regrets of the dying, you get multiple hits from different sources quoting the same regrets: from wishing they’d let themselves have the courage to live their lives from their true selves instead of how others expected them to, to working less, and being happier. I don’t want to experience these same regrets when I am lying on my death bed, and I don’t want any of you to either!  Take an honest look at your life, do any of these regrets come to mind? If so, I’d encourage you to start trying to rectify that now whether it be with a life coach or on your own journey.    


Yara Rose