I recently told my chiropractor that I am pursuing a career as a life coach. He turned to me and asked, “Oh yeah, you have your life figured out so well that you think you can tell everyone else how to do it?” I gave him a shocked look and responded, “Absolutely not!” Honestly, I am by no means a pro at life and I’m skeptical of anyone that claims to have it all figured out. However, on my own journey of self-discovery, I have learned a lot. Each time I learn a new technique, I am a little horrified that these valuable life-skills were never taught to me before. It is that powerful feeling and passion that has me wanting to share the things I have learned with other people, so they too can use them and reconnect with their true authentic selves. For example, I grew up with the age-old adage of, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. I was never told how powerful words actually are to our well-being. When I was that younger version of myself, bound and determined to lose weight, I printed off a picture that I was extremely mortified of and put it next to the treadmill, where I worked out, to motivate me to stay on longer and work harder. I used to berate myself (and still catch myself doing it from time to time) for how disgusting I looked and how worthless I was. Imagine my surprise when I learned that our thoughts and words create our reality. When I told myself I was disgusting, fat, and unworthy, my subconscious mind got the repeated message that this was who I was and implemented processes to reinforce all of these things. This resulted in more emotional eating, getting even heavier and feeling less and less worthy, which would trigger the emotional eating again. It’s a vicious cycle. I know that not everyone has weight loss issues, but this is something that I have struggled with my entire life, so it’s the example that I choose to use. However, it’s the same concept for any other negative patterns that you may exhibit. Words matter; how we talk to ourselves and other people matter. The things that we have said to ourselves and heard about ourselves from other people can and do over time develop into ingrained beliefs that we have about ourselves. One of my favorite new quotes is this: “Watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Watch your words, for they become your actions. Watch your actions, for they become your habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character, for they become your destiny.” The quote, or versions of it, have been credited to many people, so I am not sure who exactly was the originator of it. I have adapted it as a guideline to live by because of the truth reflected in it. My goal as a spiritual life coach is to empower my clients to take control back of their lives. I don’t have a magic wand that I can wave over them to magically help them achieve whatever goal they have set for themselves. In truth, the work is mostly going to be in the client’s hands because we are all our own creators of our life. I can listen, offer up an objective perspective on things, offer support, or tell you what I have done in a similar situation, but in the end the client is the one that’s taking the steps to get them closer to reaching their goals. I know from personal experience how hard taking these steps can be, but I also know how fulfilling your life can be once you’ve reached the goal you set out to accomplish.

Thus, if you’ve been struggling with a goal or have just felt like your stuck in a rut with no idea what to do next and would like some spiritual life coaching, please check out my services page.

Yara Rose