My sister started on her alternative/holistic medicine path a couple of years before I did. I remember when I first started down this road, I would go to her for advice often because I knew she’d already navigated the terrain and would have recommendations for how to look at things from a different perspective. She’d send me links to videos from YouTube about Abraham Hicks. I listened to a couple; however, I wasn’t ready to truly hear the messages. At the time, I wasn’t sure if I believed that Esther was channeling someone. I wasn’t even sure that I believed in channeling. The way she spoke seemed almost condescending in some regards, which put me into such a defensive position that I wasn’t open to hearing what she was saying. Is this a problem with how she speaks? No, I think it has more to do with my perception at that time.

As you know, I’ve grown a lot since then. The reoccurring messages of love and holding the vibrational feeling of love has been a common theme among a majority of the books, blogs, classes, and conversations with Spirit. Last month, Spirit guided me to buy:


It never occurred to me that this book was at all related to the same Abraham Hicks my sister had told me about years before. I was just looking for a book that could offer me further insight into the relationship between one’s soul and our emotions. I loved the concepts in this book and could see similarities in things that my sister had tried to teach me in the past. The idea of flowing with the river current instead of trying to continually battle against it seemed perfectly sensible to me. Yet, so many of us do not realize that’s exactly what we are doing when we try to “work hard” to make things happen in the timeline that we want. Working hard, we were taught, means taking one constant actionable step after another to reach the goals we set out to achieve what we desire. Spirit gave me time to implement these concepts from the book to see how much of a difference they made in my life before prompting me to search YouTube for “Esther and Jerry Hicks” videos last week. I’m positive they laughed a little at my reaction to finding out that Esther was the same woman that channeled Abraham Hicks. I ended up playing one Abraham video after another for the rest of that workday, and I loved every single one. It never ceases to amaze me how much of a difference the timing of things plays out in our lives. This is why I feel confident in saying that if you’ve found my blog and are reading my posts, then you have found me for a reason, anyway, back to this concept of timing. One of the videos that I listened to was titled “The Biggest Missing Piece.” I feel that this video is relevant in today’s Coronavirus culture. It’s also synchronistic that it aligns with a Facebook post message I made a short while back regarding my husband and his creation of a small automobile accident. The Coronavirus has undoubtedly brought out a lot of different perspectives from people. I’ve always wondered what the purpose of things like disease, war, genocides, natural disasters are. They do sometimes make you question the existence of an all-powerful being because this being would surely stop these things, wouldn’t it? How interesting that I stumbled upon this video a couple days before the USA started mass canceling public events, school, etc. because of a threat of a very real and scary virus. If you’re reading this, you’re a powerful soul currently experiencing life in a physical contrasting Earth. Our consciousness isn’t privy to all of the details beyond the veil because we asked to participate in this experience to learn and grow. Honestly, how much do you think you would grow if you had all of the answers and steps laid out in front of you for every second of every single day? If I had a blueprint in front of me that said “graduate from high school” - “write blogs”, how would I have learned the lessons that I did by taking a 10-year detour into the absolute wrong profession? I can guarantee if I had the plan in front of me at 18, I wouldn’t have gone down that road. My point here is, I don’t believe we’re going to get satisfactory answers while here on Earth for exactly why these catastrophes happen. All that we can do in the here and now is work on ourselves: our thoughts, beliefs, words, vibrations, etc. so that we are living the life we came here to experience.  We can create whatever life we want here on Earth. Whatever belief and vibrations we choose to uphold is the experience that we will have. I’m personally choosing to create a life of love, peace, and joy. I am going to continue doing the things that I have found to raise my vibrational level: daily Reiki treatments, meditation, tapping, walks in nature, listening to uplifting binaural beats, card readings, writing, etc. I know that by living my life this way, not only do I feel better, but by raising my vibration, I’ll inevitably raise the vibration of those around me who will, in turn, do the same for those around them, causing a ripple effect. We all have choices during these difficult times in our world; we can choose whether we spread love or fear. I choose to spread the vibration of love. What do you choose? 

Yara Rose

P.S. Also, click the following hyperlink to see Abraham’s response to Coronavirus specifically Abraham Hicks regarding this virus.