I took a stroll around my yard today, and I saw the signs of the changing season all around me. It reminded me of the enjoyment I experienced this Spring. I was working from home by then, so I had the privilege of looking out my office window to see the snow slowly retreat and be replaced by the budding of new life each day. It was nice to see that even though the world at that time felt scary and full of uncertainty, you could take comfort in the fact that the world was still turning, and it was consistent in it's changing seasons. It's hard to believe that we'll be entering the 10th month of 2020 already next week, but the evidence is all around us. This year has flown by, although I know that isn't a prevalent opinion amongst the masses. I couldn't think of a better year to test the effectiveness of the coping mechanisms that I've been accumulating over the last couple of years. 2020 was also the perfect teacher for learning the art of surrendering the need to be in control over every little thing. We've been taught as a society that external things are going to bring us happiness. Therefore, we're always trying to exert our control over the external world to be happy. Has that worked for you? It never worked for me because the external world has too many factors at play that are beyond our control. I found that the chaos and lack of control the COVID pandemic introduced into our lives was the perfect reminder of the futility that comes from attempting to seek happiness in your external environment.  I thrived this year.

I had previously learned that joy and peace are achieved from the inside out and was already working to heal myself. To me, this year presented a significant opportunity to learn what techniques were working and what areas needed more work. I was terrified when the pandemic first started sweeping its way across our nation. I found that I was still letting the fear of the unknown and external world control my life. When this pandemic started, I listened to the news and read everything I could about it. I was scared that my kids would get it, and I would be helpless to help them. I asked to work from home a couple of days before the government-mandated order was issued. I would only go into work late at night or on weekends when no one would be there. After a couple of weeks of letting fear rule my life, I realized how terrible I was feeling living my life in this way. This feeling was an indication that I had more internal work to do. I turned to my spirit guides and ancestors for help. I've had many conversations with them and many ascended masters about life and have grown in my faith and trust in the Creator of all that is as well as my spiritual community. I'll be honest; I don't listen to the news or click on articles that propagate how terrible the world is and how fearful we should all be. It's a personal choice that I have made. I'm not saying that it's the right one or that anyone else should choose to do that. It's just what I have found works best for me. The other day as I came out of meditation, I felt the nudge to write down my current perception of life. I was amazed at how much my perception has changed. I'm sharing some of that perception with you today to illustrate how different your life can be by changing a few things, mostly what and how you focus on things and situations.

My current perception of life today is that I love my life. It is truly astonishing how much better I feel each day. I went from someone that immensely disliked life and always felt like a victim of it to someone that looks at it full of sweet anticipation. I used to think of life as painful, sometimes downright excruciating. I couldn't wait to get to the golden years of "retirement" so I could start enjoying my life. However, I've found the key to enjoying my life each day now. This change occurred because I consciously decided to choose better thoughts. I chose to view life through a different lens. I asked for guidance from my physical and nonphysical friends. I stayed open and curious, always. It wasn't always easy for me, but that's not to say the road must be difficult. I just had a lot of resistance to navigate through. I feel like this journey can be as simple or challenging as we make it. We're always going to experience contrast, as that is what inspires new desires for us to strive for. It's up to us how long we stay in this step 1 phase that Abraham Hicks describes. I've taken my power back and am now experiencing life from the perspective of a powerful creator, no longer a victim. I used to think I wasn't creative, but now I know how wrong that belief was. The truth of the matter is we're all creators creating our lives every day. I will continue creating beautiful things for myself because I can, and I find it fun to see what/how these creations manifest in my everyday life. That's not the end goal, though. Although it's thrilling to experience the physical manifestations of our creations with our five senses, those particular manifestations won't be enough to sustain me because I always desire new things. I love the feeling of sweet anticipation that I experience when I consciously create them, can feel them in my alignment with my higher self, and am waiting to see how/when the Universe will reveal them to me.

I've been comparing this process with the experience we have at Christmas as children. You enjoy seeing the beautifully wrapped packages appear under the tree. Each day you grow more and more excited as you see the pile grow with all kinds of presents of a variety of shapes and sizes. You look at that tree every day and imagine which packages are for you and what they could be. Christmas day rolls around, and you're beyond giddy with excitement to finally see what's in those packages. You excitedly tear through the paper one by one, revealing the treasures inside. Once it's over, all the toys are out and have been played with; you start to feel the sadness that Christmas is over already, and you have to wait for an entire year before you'll get to experience the day again. OR DO YOU? When you are deliberately consciously creating the life of your dreams, every day, you're sending ideas for new presents off to the Universe. While you're waiting in sweet anticipation of how and when the presents will be revealed to you, you're still generating new ideas, so you're always creating, and different creations are continually being revealed to you. To me, it is the excitement of the whole month of December every day. You never know when one of your desires will manifest, but you can feel them there, so you know it will be at any moment. You do not have to experience the sadness of it being over because the process is never over! Do you feel the excitement at the possibility of a never-ending Christmas? I know I do, and I absolutely love it! You do not have to let the external world or your perception keep you locked in a victim mindset; you can break free and fly to unlimited heights anytime you choose to do so.


Yara Rose