To be completely honest, there were times that the medium would say things that would completely shock me just because they would stretch my limiting perception even further. For example, she once told me towards the beginning of my sessions with her that she doesn’t go anywhere without first consulting with her spirits to make sure that place and time is good for her right then. I know she could see the, “You’re completely crazy”, look that came across my face. Funnily enough, after over 17 sessions with her, I’m starting to be the same way. That’s the universe laughing at me, I am sure. You see, there are a ton of reasons why people go to psychic mediums: some want to communicate with their deceased loved ones, some want advice on their life paths, some just want advice on how to heal, etc. Throughout my sessions, I also discovered a personal calling to be a healer myself. I would end each session in total amazement that this regular human being would put herself out there in this way to help others heal. I was always so grateful and expressed my gratitude often. I’d find myself saying things like, it would be so cool to have the abilities that you have. It must feel so rewarding to be able to help people in this way for a living. After a few sessions, I decided to go for it and told her about how I’d had this deeply rooted fear about death after having lost my grandma so suddenly as a child. After a brief conversation about it, I decided to go for the question that had really started to persist throughout my mind. Would it ever be possible for me to communicate directly to my grandparents and receive an answer myself? It started as just wanting to be able to communicate with all of my deceased grandparents whenever I wanted. However, it grew into wanting to be able to be open to the spirit world not just for myself, but to help others like me that wanted to speak to their deceased loved ones again. I want to be able to aid others in their healing journey’s the way that I was aided. I honestly never thought that would be in the realm of possibility. However, slowly over the last year, I have been opening up more and more. My gift started with just being able to recognize that sightings in nature were really messages for me from my grandparents. For example, on a particularly rough morning I spoke out loud to my grandma Mary on my drive to work about how much I miss her and wished that she was here to offer advice and just to have fun with my kids. Shortly after that one-sided conversation, I saw a bald eagle outside of my co-worker’s window as I was standing there talking to her. It looked right at me. I felt strongly that was a sign that my grandma Mary had heard me and wanted to show that she is always with me and helping out as much as she can from her side. This is the only time that I have seen a bald eagle at work like that during the entire year that I have been there. It’s not a common occurrence. Later that same day, I went on a walk in my backyard and was greeted by two monarch butterflies flying together by the first hedge in our backyard. On one of my first laps around the yard, I saw four monarch butterflies flying together. I felt like they represented all four of my grandparents just letting me know that they were all there. These signs became more and more frequent after that. In one of my next sessions, I was told that my grandparents wanted me to get a book/cards, so that I could use them as tools to be able to get messages directly from them in between my sessions. I absolutely love the cards! They made a huge difference on my journey. Whenever I felt stuck on and couldn’t pinpoint what was holding me back, I would do a clarity spread. I was always amazed by how accurate they were.

Recently, I have found that I don’t need the cards anymore. Although, I really do love the cards and half hour mediation in the mornings, and so I still do them every day.  My own psychic connection seems to have been established. I can now have all day long conversations with any of my grandparents. I love it! I’ve even had a couple messages from extended family member’s come through for different people. It is amazing to be blessed with this gift that allows further communication between the living and non-living loved ones. 


Yara Rose