Have any of you ever given a second thought to what happens to those intense emotions that you don’t have time to deal with at the moment so you stuff them back down to “deal with at a later time”? For example, you’ve worked really hard for the promotion and thought you nailed the interview, yet are completely taken off-guard when it’s announced that the company has decided to promote someone else. The disappointment is crushing, but you don’t have time to dwell in that disappointment because it’s the beginning of the workday and you had a lot to get done. Imagine a different scenario where a thunderstorm the night before took out your alarm clock causing you to be running late for work. You’re obviously flustered and anxious since you’re already behind schedule but had promised you’d stop and pick up the coffee for that morning’s meeting. As you pull into the coffee shop, you mentally cringe at the long line of fellow coffee drinkers in line. Again, not wanting to make a public scene, you clench your jaw stuffing that feeling of anger, frustration, annoyance, etc. down and refuse to let it out. You have a room full of coffee drinkers that need this beverage to function, and getting angry about it right now is definitely not going to help anyone. I can think of a million scenarios where letting these intense emotions run their course just doesn’t feel time effective, socially acceptable, or helpful. However, do you ever stop to think about what happens to that feeling of disappointment/frustration/anger/etc. that you stuffed back down into your body and refused to process? Before the last 2 years, I personally had never given this process a second thought. Which is probably why I was the queen at stuffing emotions. In my mind, the more you could avoid the uncomfortableness of a public showing of your emotions, the better. In truth, when an emotion never gets completely processed through your body, it gets trapped inside your body. According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, creator of the Emotion Code healing technique, "The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally release trapped emotions- which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events. Trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, they can block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others. And because trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they exert an influence on the physical tissues and can cause acute pain and even cancer. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to heal- so physical and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much more manageable." Okay, so you might be wondering what this really means. Have you ever heard the term emotional baggage? It turns out that this is real phenomena. People that have trapped emotions from previously experienced overly emotional charged experiences truly do have balls of emotional energy or “baggage” taking up space in their body. This baggage is very harmful to the individual storing it and it plays a huge role in their life in one way or another. As the emotions build up in a person, the changes to their behavior or physical body can be subtle; a slowly worsening depression/anxiety issue or an ache in a specific spot that seems to get worse each year. Since most people are not aware of the danger of trapped emotions, they would have no idea that these emotions could actually be the cause of their chronic backache. Discovering the emotion code healing technique was a game-changer for me. I’m very passionate about getting this knowledge out there to as many people as I can. Dr. Bradley Nelsen’s book, Emotion Code is truly life-changing and eye-opening. I have recently completed the Emotion Code practitioner course, so I will be offering Emotion Code healing session services as well. If you’ve ever done the practice of stuffing your emotions instead of allowing them to process, I just want you to be aware there these are options for you to consider to take steps to live a longer healthier life. I’ll be sharing my own personal experience with emotion code in a later piece.


Yara Rose