After a year of self-discovery and monthly life coaching sessions, I had felt like I was finally understanding who I was and what I was passionate about. I had decided that I really wanted to create this website to offer others insights into all of the fascinating things that I had learned and how it helped me. However, I couldn’t seem to get any momentum going to get the project up and going. Every time I would try, it would feel like some sort of self-sabotaging behavior would kick in. Somehow, I’d find other things to do until I was too exhausted to work on the website. This was incredibly frustrating because it didn’t seem to make any sense to me. My sister had mentioned the emotion code healing modality to me before and I decided to get more information about it. She explained how she’d learned that some trapped emotions can even be inherited from our ancestors and passed down from one generation to the next just like our eye color, hair color, height, etc. After learning more about what trapped emotions were and how they unconsciously impacted our behavior, I decided that I wanted to pursue this and see if maybe there was some unconscious cycle that was preventing me from moving forward. When I contacted the practitioner, she had packages for emotion code and a biofield energy healing. I signed up for both since I was on a mission to remove all blockages that were holding me back. I was super excited to see what types of changes would come from these techniques. 

During the first emotion code session, the practitioner checked to see if I had a heart-wall. A heart-wall is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a wall made out of trapped emotions that people erect to protect themselves from being hurt. When a person is experiencing a very traumatic or volatile situation, the emotions might get so intense that they decide that never want to be hurt that badly again. Once that conscious decision has been made, the unconscious mind springs to work looking for extra “building materials” that it can use to erect this wall to protect you. It has to find something that doesn’t already have a purpose in your body, so it gathers up trapped emotions and uses them to build a wall between your heart and the world. The problem with this is that once this situation has passed, the wall doesn’t disappear. As you trap more emotions, your wall gets bigger. Can you imagine what negatively charged energy balls forever surrounding your heart does for you? While this wall is in place, feelings of being disconnected, frustrated, isolated, and sadness will grow. Eventually, these trapped emotions surrounding your heart could cause heart disease. I found out that I had a heart-wall that was 5 miles thick. The goal was to clear as many emotions out of the heart-wall as we could in the 4 sessions that I had purchased. I didn’t notice anything happen or notice any changes during the first emotion code session. However, the next day following that first session, I felt out of sorts.  I’d be super happy and energetic one moment and the next I’d feel blah. I see-sawed back and forth all day, at one point I thought a good cry sounded good but didn’t succumb. After the second session of emotion code & biofield engergy healing, I had an emotion of extreme annoyance at everything and everyone. I woke up with night sweats and vivid dreams. I didn’t notice as many side effects mood-wise after the other sessions; it was just a lot of exhaustion, as my body processed the emotions and vivid dreaming. What does a session look like? In case you’re curious, I’ve attached a copy of all the emotions that were released during my last session of emotion code.

We were able to completely clear my heart-wall and I am very grateful for this. My heart-wall has been cleared for around 6 months now. I didn’t notice dramatic changes right away; it seemed more like a gradual healing process. I’d slowly start to notice that things that used to bother me and send me into an emotional tailspin, no longer had any impact on me. To this very day, my husband will say something about, “I know that just ticked you off and now you're mad at me.” Between dating, engagement, and marriage; we’ve been together 14 years and, yes, that particular thing, whatever it is, I honestly can’t even remember (it has that much significance to me now 😉), did use to anger me every single time throughout our entire relationship. So, I can understand his skepticism when I tell him that I’m not mad in the least 😊. All of my close personal relationships feel so much more whole-hearted, genuine, and loving. It’s interesting because when the wall was up, I don’t remember feeling like I was holding back at all or that I wasn’t putting my whole heart into them. Yet, now that it’s been removed, I can feel the difference. I’ve also made huge changes in my life since the heart-wall was removed; I got my website up and running, taken huge leaps of faith, and broken long-standing personal cycles. I can’t say that the healings of emotion code are solely responsible for these, but I do know that it has contributed to the accomplishment of them. Since learning emotion code, myself, whenever I feel like there’s something keeping me stuck or I just feel like I’m repeating the same pre-programmed cycle, I know that it’s time to do a targeted emotion code session to release whatever emotions are helping to contribute to this pattern. 


Yara Rose