This week, I've taken my morning mediations to the outdoors in the form of walking meditations. At the end of the first day's walking meditation, I felt terrific, and my primary spirit guide told me that the day was going to be full of surprises from them. I did have several things occur throughout the day. Later that evening, my aunt had texted me that she received a message that I was to take a picture of the sunset because Spirit had a gift for me. At first, I didn't think I had caught anything too significant. However, when we all looked at the video, my spirit guide had instructed me to take, the clouds appear in the shape of a giant angel with her arm extended out, flying over the sunset. We weren't sure what the message was in that; however, the next morning, I was given the following message during my walking mediation.

"They (whatever your source power is, angels, spirits) are here with all of us and helping us as much as they can, free will being what it is. They have come in droves to protect, heal, inspire anyone they can. Each one of us has our own light inside of us. Once we take the driver's seat back from the fear we've let lead our lives and turn to the light inside of each of us, we open the doors for our set of angels to help us even more. Every person can help by continuing to spread messages of love and trying to fan the flames of light inside of everyone we come into contact with."

I don't want to take away from this message by surrounding it with my perceptions and insights, so I'm going to leave it at this. For those of you that are asking where "God" is during this heartbreaking time in our country's life, they are here. They are everywhere; please open yourself up to the light and love that they long to share with you.

Yara Rose