Recently, I've begun questioning how much of a difference a single person can make. I genuinely believe that each person on this Earth comes here to learn and impact others along the way. How impactful they become and whether it's in a positive or negative way is up to them and their free will. I don't believe anyone comes here intending to play the villain. I think that some people may come with a more challenging mission than another. Maybe they've had a past life where their karma is such that they know this new life on Earth is going to challenge them beyond anything they've ever experienced. Yet, they feel that they are up to the task. To me, it feels similar to when you create the plans to do anything from building a house, throwing an elaborate party, or sometimes just running your daily errands. In the house building example, once the blueprint is all done, everything's been quoted and agreed upon with the main contractor and all the subcontractors, materials ordered, and it's time to start. Smooth sailing, right? Not so much, digging the basement became more challenging when the soil type turned out to be different than expected after digging the first few feet, and this caused issues that set the timeline back right out of the starting gate. Then there was the unexpected week of thunderstorms that decided to roll in right after the basement hole was finally finished. You get where I'm going with this.

Life here on Earth is messy and complicated. Everything seems simple and straightforward during the planning process. Yet, when it comes to carrying the plans out, we find that living in a physical body cut off from the all-powerful, loving group consciousness is harder than we expected. We came here to learn through duality. We came here to experience life using emotions as our compass from our higher selves. They are used to let us know when our current perception of truth is or isn't in alignment with our true self. Unfortunately, in today's culture of pushing messy emotions away and hiding our authenticity, it doesn't take us long to deviate from the charted course. If we stay disconnected for too long, we get very lost. Sometimes, we get so lost that we become something entirely different than what we had planned, maybe today's perception of a villain. It's never too late to find ourselves and Source (whatever that is for you) loves us unconditionally, which means even if we do play the villain role in this life, we'll still be accepted back into the fold on the other side and loved unconditionally. That's not to say those souls get a free pass for harming other souls. They'll have to work off the karma that they created for themselves.

I've been so torn up lately each time I catch a segment from the news or see headlines from the happenings around the US. It appears that this country is getting further and further divided, which had me questioning how we will ever come back from this. Is it even possible to be the loving and accepting America that was the dream for so many? I've been writing about choosing love and connection instead of more fear/anger and disconnection, and I'm not sure that it's made a difference. Which got me wondering how much of a difference one person can make when trying to shine a light on a chasm of so much darkness? Spirit nudged me all last week to watch "I'm Not Ashamed," an inspiring movie about the life of Rachel Joy Scott, one of the victims of the Columbine shooting. It was a fantastic movie! I couldn't believe how incredibly brave and strong this 17-year-old girl was in her faith and the impact she was going to have in this world. Things she wrote about in her journal at the age of 16/17, I didn't even start to contemplate until a year or two ago. For instance, she talked about how God would send nudges for her to do something good in His name, and she felt there were times she was too weak to follow through. I'm 32years old, and I'm still struggling to follow through on the numerous nudges I receive. It's terrifying to put yourself out there. By the end of the movie, I was crying, of course. She was such an amazing girl, and because of her diaries and the dedicated work of her family, her messages of hope and faith have impacted millions of people. How much of a difference can one person make? Quite a lot. The movie portrayed a wonderful young woman that spread love, forgiveness, and acceptance everywhere she went and to everyone. She believed that if one person could go out of their way to extend compassion, it could start a chain reaction. Her legacy has proven the validity of that belief. However, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that society as a whole, missed a valuable lesson from that day. A lesson about love and connection. After watching the movie, I went for a walk to sort through the jumble of emotions coursing through me, and I couldn't stop myself from asking Spirit what drives people like Eric and Dylan to do the things they did. I got the answer of disconnection and isolation. That's just it isn't it, those two souls chose to do what they did for whatever reasons they felt they had. Yet, in the aftermath of the shootings, people were so eager to point fingers to blame this group or that one. Suicides, mass shootings, rioting has all gone up since April 20th, 1999, not down. Where's the love and connection in that? We need to stop blaming, shaming, and pushing our ego minded agendas on the world. We need to set that aside and truly connect to do our parts in making this world a better place. That starts with learning to love ourselves and cleaning up our side of the street as the saying goes and then going out into the world and offering to help the next person with whatever aspects they are struggling with. It's not going to be easy, but we are not alone. We have Source ready and willing to help the moment we open our hearts to them. Together with love, compassion, and forgiveness, we can turn this world around. We can make a difference in breaking the disconnection, isolation, greed, and anger that permeates our world. It's never too late to start. I hope you'll join me in trying to make the world we live in a better place for everyone because I can't do it alone. None of us can, but all together we cannot fail.


Yara Rose

Also, here's a link to an amazingly inspiring song from the movie for anyone interested.